Published On: Wed, Jan 13th, 2010

Slides of my Presentation on e-portfolios

I shall be giving a presentation tomorrow (Thursday 14 January 2010) at Leeds Metropolitan University on e-portfolios. I will be giving my views from a graduate perspective and how I believe e-portfolios can be used to record achievement, increase personal SEO and hopefully lead to employment opportunities.

Charlotte Britton who is a Director at Republic of Yorkshire and Chair of Yorkshire and Humber Young Directors Forum at Institute of Directors will also be giving her views as an employer.

Nick Halafihi a Leeds Met Lecturer and some of his Carnegie Sport & Education students will provide a case study on how first year students are utilising their e-portfolio.

A Twitter feed has been created for the event #LeedsMetLL – so please feel free to follow the event, comment , ask questions and leave feedback. We’ll do our best to reply to everyone.

Here is a copy of the presentation  – if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

Displaying 8 Comments
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  1. Ben, this is great! And I think you’re showing some creativity and initiative. 😀 Will definitely share with my students.

  2. Looks very good: this is well-illustrated and well-researched.

    As you know, I’m keen to hear more on the privacy (personal data) and confidentiality (client projects) issues as they’re a concern – even a show-stopper – for some of my colleagues.

  3. Ben Cotton says:

    Karen – thanks for your kind words, it is much appreciated. Please do show the presentation to your students – It would be great to hear what they think of it and I’d be delighted to answer any of their questions about e-portfolios.

    Richard – hopefully the presentation will be well received tomorrow! The way I see it, both privacy and confidentiality are the two major stumbling blocks to e-portfolio adoption.

    I think there are several steps people can take to protect personal data e.g. don’t give out addresses, personal telephone numbers etc.

    Client confidentiality and permission is vitally important. Student’s need to get permission and make sure both the client and agency have agreed for their work to be included in an e-portfolio. In my experience, this has not been a major issue, however its importance cannot be underestimated.

    I look forward to debating this in more depth tomorrow.

  4. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by bencotton: My presentation on e-portfolios:

  5. Ben Cotton says:

    A slightly amended presentation with larger font can be viewed at:

  6. Ray Tolley says:

    Ben, I liked your SlideShare – it had some refreshing ideas, particularly the presentation of comments by others.

    However, may I politely make a few suggestions (although that is somewhat difficult, having grown up in the Republic of South Yourkshire)?

    Your research should go way back much further – Dr Helen Barrett was first exploring the feasibility of e-Portfolios almost 30 years ago and the work of Evangeline Steffanakis underlines the potential for e-Portfolios to support Multiple Intelligences and thus the use of Rich Media as superior to plain hard copy. Popham’s ‘Transformative Assessment’ similarly lends itself to a much deeper understanding of how e-Portfolios can be used to support learning. The eFolio system I provide in the UK has been available in the US for some 7-8 years now and has possibly 200,000 users in Minnesota, Pensylvania and SanFrancisco apart from individual users in Europe.

    However, although you address the presentational aspects of an e-Portfolio, you do not refer to the broader aspects of ‘Lifelong, Lifewide Learning and Leisure’. Unless the e-Portfolio tool is capable of being used by all, ‘5-95’, or even younger, it does not appear to have the ‘portability’ which is the essence of an e-Portfolio. You rightly identify the dangers of a ‘public’ tool, but do not advise how these dangers can be overcome.

    Similarly, although you mention Web2.0, you do not appear to address the collaborative aspects of an e-Portfolio, including the need for inbuilt tools for feedback, polls and surveys etc.

    You can get back to me off-list if you like at:

    or check out the links below:

    Best Wishes,

    Ray Tolley FEIDCT, NAACE Fellow, ACQI, MBILD
    ICT Education Consultant
    Maximise ICT Ltd
    Winner of the IMS ‘Leadership Regional Award 2009’

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