Published On: Sat, Jul 17th, 2010

Facebook Fan Page Launched

As someone who helps clients manage their Facebook Fan Page and is constantly telling them how important it is to set their content free and make it ‘social’, I thought it was time for me to take some of my own advice – so I have created a Fan Page for Social Web Thing. For those who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of a Fan Page over a Group, the main benefits of a Fan Page are:

1. Fan Pages allow news and latest posts to be received via updates which appear in fans news feeds.
Importantly, feeds are social and can be interacted with in the form of ‘Like’, ‘Share’ and ‘Comment’. So people who have ‘Liked’ your page are also telling their friends – which is crucial for building fans and views from peer-to-peer recommendations. From a user point of view, this is a preferable method to receive communication, rather than via a ‘Message All’, which should be used sparingly.

2. Fan Pages are public, whereas Groups require a login. This means search engines can easily index Fan Pages.
This is significant and will have a positive impact on the SEO of Fan Pages, leading to more views and interactions to your Page. From a client and Page administrator perspective, this is very important in helping to grow your Page into a success.

3. Facebook Fan Page can secure a vanity URL.
This is a benefit for both user and administrator and it’s great to see Facebook making Pages more viewable, memorable and social – which in turn will lead to greater and more meaningful interactions. You can apply for a Facebook vanity URL here.

4. As someone who is obsessed by data and always looking for patterns, numbers and behaviour from which to draw insights, Fan Pages offer administrators some useful statistics.
Whilst, these are helpful, it should be noted that Facebook Insights are far from perfect and there often seems to be inconsistencies within the data. It would be brilliant for us data crunchers if Facebook manages to iron out these problems and provide something similar to the WordPress or Google Analytics offering.

5. Lastly, Fan Pages include links which are publicly displayed, so as someone who is utilising a Page to promote a blog, Social Web Thing’ s SEO benefits from linking to it.
This is mostly a secondary benefit, however, anything which increases search for both user and administrator should be investigated.

Whilst, this post focuses on the benefits of a Fan Page, in order to let people know about your blog, website or other digital embassies, it is best to create an ecosystem of social media platforms around whatever you are trying to promote. By this I mean, Social Web Thing is the focal point, supported by a Facebook Fan Page and my Tweets, the reader can also share this content via the same platforms, posts can be bookmarked on Delicious and sent by email to reader’s friends. In addition, Social Web Thing readers can sign up to receive posts via email, as well as add the blog to their RSS Reader.

This is the Social Web Thing ecosystem and most bloggers are unaware that they create a network around their blog to disseminate latest posts. Do think about how you promote your blog and website and how you can go about strengthening this ecosystem.

In order to create successful long-term relationships with readers, fans and customers, it is important to make content that is sharable, as well as making it easy for people to consume it in their favoured way. Do get in touch if you’d like more information on creating or managing a Facebook Fan Page or social media ecosystem. You can ‘Like’ the Social Web Thing Fan Page here.

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ben Cotton, Ben Cotton. Ben Cotton said: Facebook Fan Page Launched: […]

  2. […] from: Facebook Fan Page Launched « Social Web Thing Share and […]

  3. 33 fans already, nice! Let us know how it goes 🙂

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