Published On: Sat, Oct 27th, 2012

Tips for PR Students: Creativity [PART 4]

Creative StudentsThis is the fourth and final ‘Tips for PR Students’ post and looks at people who have done something a little out of the ordinary in order to land a job.

I’m a firm believer that the CV will not die anytime soon, but it is a tired document designed for HR teams and it does not capture what PR teams are looking for or indeed do a candidate justice. The lifeblood of the PR industry is creativity and we love to see people take a risk, do something different and stand out from the crowd.

There are numerous ways to showcase creativity and below are five excellent case studies of people who have showcased their skill and experience in an imaginative way:

Creativity – PR-ing yourself

1. Graeme Anthony – YouTube
Graeme is a former Leeds Met graduate who created a CV on YouTube that went viral. The offers came rolling in from around the globe and he landed a fantastic role at Frank PR.

2. Jed Hallam – Facebook
Jed took a more targeted approach and set-up a Facebook explaining why he should be offered a role at Wolfstar. He sought references from industry figures and threatened a barber shop quartet – and he got the job.

3. Laura Tosney – YouTube
Laura produced an awesome animation explaining why she should get the job (as part of a wider application) at 33 Digital. Check out the video to see why it blew the team away.

4. Jordan McDonnell – Slideshare
Jordan grabbed the headlines in Ireland with his excellent CV on Slideshare. Take a look and compare it to a conventional CV.

5. Mike White – Blog
Mike is a recent graduate from Gloucester University and is well-known amongst his peers for his brilliant blog, forthright views and interesting perspectives. Mike is a top example of a student using a blog to enhance his employability.

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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