2010 Euprera Social Media Awards
This post if for all those PR student bloggers out there who have been maintaining a blog for a while – have you heard about the Euprera Social Media Awards?
The Euprera Symposium is an annual coming together of all the top PR academics and this year there is the opportunity to enter your blog for the Euprera Social Media Award category. This is a brilliant opportunity to showcase your blog (and yourself).
There are three award types and you must fit into one of them:
- Anyone studying at BA or BSc level at a European University or University College
- Anyone with a first degree or postgraduate link to a European University or University College
- Anyone developing new ideas about the impact of social media on public relations
Your blog must follow a few rules e.g. the content must be about PR/communications and each winner will receive 250€.
I think this is a superb chance for students to get some recognition for their blogs, all you have to do is contact Philip Young at Sunderland University, then you will be required to write a 500 word statement to support your blog. Good luck everyone.
Be quick mind – the deadline for entries is 1 January 2010.
For more information please click here.
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