Standing Out in the Cloud [PRESENTATION]

Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking to some students at the Digital Skills Academy about employability, along with Kevin Walsh, a recent academy graduate (and success story), and Gary Ludgate, Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist at Paddy Power. For those unfamiliar with the DSA, it’s a government initiative located at The Digital Hub which More...

by Ben Cotton | Published 12 years ago
By Ben Cotton On Saturday, March 30th, 2013

Succeeding Online in the Age of Austerity

How do you succeed online in the age of austerity? It’s a difficult question, especially with budgets contracting and trust in our institutions at historically low levels. It’s my view that all communications More...

By Ben Cotton On Saturday, November 17th, 2012
1 Comment

Steve Jobs: Master Communicator [PRESENTATION]

Love them or loathe them, we all have to give presentations. Whether it’s presenting to colleagues, your boss, a client or new business opportunity, effective storytelling is not only a hugely valuable skill More...

By Ben Cotton On Saturday, February 4th, 2012

Writing Content for Search Engines [PRESENTATION]

I’ve recently penned three posts for Social Web Thing containing tips on writing content for search engines and thought it would be a good idea to put those posts into a presentation deck. For reference here’s More...

CIPR Social Media Conference
By Ben Cotton On Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

10 Creative Ways to Create an Impact Online [PRESENTATION]

On Monday I gave a presentation at the CIRP Social Media conference in Russell Square, London. I talked about people, rather than brands who had made a creative impact online, mentioning Jed Hallam, Laura Tosney, More...

Crowdsourcing a Presentation
By Ben Cotton On Monday, April 4th, 2011

Crowdsourcing a Presentation

I’ve been asked to speak at the CIPR Social Media Conference on 11 April 2011 at Russell Square, London where I’ll be running a short workshop called ‘10 Creative Ways to Create Impact Online’. I’ve got More...

Fail Whale
By Ben Cotton On Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

10 Social Media #Epic #Fails

I’ve put together a presentation deck of 10 Social Media #Epic #Fails. It’s something I have been working on for a while and for the presentations I give, it often helps to include a few examples of More...

Digital World
By Ben Cotton On Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Landing a Job in the Digital World

I gave a presentation this week entitled ‘Landing a Job in the Digital World’ at Leeds Metropolitan University. The deck focused on using an e-portfolio, blog and social media to record achievement, More...

Goal Post
By Ben Cotton On Sunday, June 13th, 2010
1 Comment

An Introduction to Social Media at #SDVision

I gave a presentation this afternoon entitled ‘An Introduction to Social Media’ at the annual Supporters Direct (SD) conference. The event held at the home of the Institute of Technology and Engineering More...

Reputation Economy
By Ben Cotton On Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Sophia Fantis’ video on Personal SEO

I received a Google Alert the other day, alerting me to the fact that Sophia Fantis had written a blog mentioning my name, only to discover that she had in fact, produced a video based on the presentation I gave More...


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