Published On: Sat, Nov 17th, 2012

Steve Jobs: Master Communicator [PRESENTATION]

Love them or loathe them, we all have to give presentations.

Whether it’s presenting to colleagues, your boss, a client or new business opportunity, effective storytelling is not only a hugely valuable skill to master, but now a prerequisite for many industries. It’s also important for career progression – seldom do you see someone in a leadership role who can’t confidently present to a room.

Presenting is a form of storytelling. It’s timeless and tremendously powerful, and humans have an innate need to hear and tell stories. That’s why I’d recommend you check out the presentation below: it focuses on the techniques employed by Steve Jobs to become an accomplished orator.

The deck was created by the respected communications coach, Carmine Gallo and features some great pointers that will definitely sharpen up your next presentation.

On the topic of presentation skills and storytelling, I’m surprised at the lack of training across many industries. Employees can be the best advocate for a business, but are often left to forge their own presenting style without any guidance.

This is true of the PR industry too. We talk a lot about communication and channels, but few seem to appreciate that presenting is different to written or verbal communication as TV is to newspapers or radio – this can and should be addressed.

What tips do you have for effective storytelling?

Presentation Genius of Steve Jobs

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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  1. […] at Personal SEO, standing out from the crowd, as well as online branding and I tried to follow the principles outlined by communications coach, Carmine Gallo on what make a good presentation. Here’s a copy of presentation (there will be a video of the talk coming […]

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