What’s Next for Content Marketing?

I often write about content goals, strategy and measurement, but today I’m going to look at something much more fundamental, and focus on quality. As a content marketer I keep a handy Google Doc where I jot down examples of organisations, brands and media which are transforming the world of content and redefining what content might mean in the More...

Getting It Right: Content Distribution
We live in an age of information overload, and for content to have the greatest chance of achieving your goals, you must have a fully developed content strategy. But this strategy must also take into consideration More...

10 Reasons Why Businesses Should Still Blog
Over the past 18 months some of my favourite bloggers have stopped writing. A number have taken a permanent hiatus, while others only tend to share their thoughts fleetingly. There are many reasons for this apparent More...

10 Tactics to Keep Your Content Fresh
For the past couple of months I’ve been working on a post about developing a content strategy. But pretty soon it became clear that the topic is too big to cover in a single post. In fact, there’s scope for More...

Blog Awards Ireland Success & How We Did It
I’m delighted to say that last Saturday my employer, Chill Insurance took home a gong at the prestigious Blog Awards Ireland. We won Gold in the Best Corporate Blog category (the first award the company has won), More...

Content Strategy: Keep Focussed on the Big Picture
Lots has recently been written about real-time marketing (RTM), most of it stemming from notable and nimble ripostes, such as Oreo’s superb Super Bowl Tweet, Specsaves sage advice to Eden Hazard and the much maligned More...

The Four Pillars of Great Content
In recent years we’ve seen what can only be described as an explosion of content as more organisations begin to think like media companies and wise up to the value of inbound marketing. Content is now ubiquitous More...

Anatomy of a Perfect B2B Blog Post [INFOGRAPHIC]
Anyone who reads this blog will know I’m a big fan of Eloqua and the great work they do, and that I have a huge interest in the value businesses can gain from blogging; so I was delighted to receive this infographic More...

Why Blogging Boosts Lead Generation
I’m currently on holiday in Seattle for two weeks, so here’s a great blog post by Jesse Noyes, who is Managing Editor at the excellent Eloqua, a company providing modern marketing expertise. There’s More...

10 Tips to Take a Data Driven Approach to Content
Several weeks back, I wrote about (and hopefully made the case) why you must take a data driven approach to content. As a follow-up, I’ve penned some actionable steps to ensure your content has the greatest chance More...