Published On: Sat, Jun 5th, 2010 Launched

I thought I’d let you know that my Lifestream, has gone ‘live’ after some initial beta testing. A lot of people have asked me, why have I produced this site, so hopefully this post will go some way to answering those questions.

To start with, anyone who knows me will recognise that I’ve always been an advocate of e-portfolios and am a firm believer that if done well, e-portfolios can highlight your work experience and skills, enhance your Personal SEO – and really boost a prospective employer’s first impression of you. In short, I think they can give you a real advantage at the start of your career.

However, I’ve been in the PR industry for a couple of years now and felt I needed something to reflect my current experiences, skills and thoughts. Basically, I felt that an e-portfolio showing work I’d completed in my final year at university, although had served me well, was somewhat outdated. I’ve always said that e-portfolios are a ‘live’ piece of work, something that evolves and this Lifestream is the simple evolution of mine.

I spent a lot of time thinking how should the next phase of my e-portfolio appear. I did my research and looked at what the industry thought leaders were up to, spoke to some colleagues, trusted friends and business people. From these observations and conversations I decided that I wanted a bespoke web presence that aggregated the social media platforms on which I was active,  contained my latest thoughts, documented my experiences and importantly, would allow me to be easily contactable. The result was a Lifestream.

Once I had this vision, I enlisted the help of my good friend, Ash Mann to make this happen. Ash does a spot of freelance web work via his company Big Things and Little Things and he has brilliantly turned my requirements into a reality – as well as putting up with my many amendments along the way. It turns out Ash is also something of a WordPress whizz too, so i’ll be working with him a lot in the future.

Whilst, i’m currently very happy at Edelman, i’m sure this page will stand me in good stead. You never know what the future holds and in the long-term I may like to try some freelance consultancy work. Hopefully, this Lifestream will make a good first impression.

You can find out more about Ash from his blog, tweets and Linked In profile. He can also be contacted on ash[at]bigthingsandlittlethings[dotcodotuk].

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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