Published On: Sat, Dec 3rd, 2011

Social Web Thing Shortlisted for the CRAPPs

I was delighted to find out this week that Social Web Thing has once again been nominated for ‘the best PR blogger award’ at the Communicative Relations Awards from PR Professionals AKA the CRAPPs.

Although, the awards take a somewhat light-hearted look at the ‘special relationship’ between PRs and the media, it’s still a real honour to be mentioned in the same breath as Brian Solis, Stuart Bruce, Drew Benvie, Adam Vincenzini, Stephen Waddington, Steve Earl, Jon Silk, Will Sturgeon and Max Tatton-Brown for the award. All these guys are not just outstanding bloggers, they are industry leaders who offer up some fantastic insights in their posts.

There are also a host of other awards up for grabs including ‘The journalist that makes you feel warm and furry on the inside’,  ‘Journalist you’d most like to bring to the dark side (employ as a PR)’ and ‘Least twattish Twitterer – the must follow journo’.

Voting is open at until 14 December 2011, with the winners being announced the following day.

It’s always nice to gain recognition for something which started as a hobby, but developed into a passion. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed…

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

Displaying 3 Comments
Have Your Say
  1. Congratulations! Have just voted for you. 😉

  2. […] now engaged and set to be married later this month. I also picked up and award for my blog, and a few more nominations soon followed. SWT continued to gather some momentum (I’m not sure how), and I found myself up against industry […]

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