What Does Timeline Mean for Facebook Brand Pages? [INFOGRAPHIC]
The Edelman Canada team have created this excellent infographic showing the impact Timeline will have on Facebook Brand pages.
From 30 March 2012 there’s going to be some significant changes; most notably to the front-end, with the new template enhancing the position of images and posts, which will dramatically alter the look and feel of pages. Essentially, Facebook is now giving brands a greater opportunity ‘to tell their story’ and engage with fans via much richer content.
In terms of the back-end and from a community management perspective, there’s been some tweaks which enable you to draft future content and more easily moderate posts, as well as the introduction of premiun ads and reach generator for larger pages.
I see the introduction of Timeline as Facebook once again laying down the gauntlet to challenge brands to do more and to do better. But, it’s not only a challenge. With more online media vying for our attention, Timeline presents a fantastic opportunity for brands to create a better, more visual and ultimately more engaging experience for their fans.
Check out the infographic for a more detailed look at what Facebook Timeline means for Brand pages.