2010 PR Grad Schemes
I was thinking the other day what would have made my life easier in my final year at university. Looking back it was a hectic period – amongst all the deadlines, presentations, portfolios and exams we were looking for that dream graduate job. At times it was difficult balancing the two: trying to clear the immediate university workload, whilst attempting to plan for the future, namely searching and applying for jobs (all over the country) in the industry. It was an uncertain time.
So to make things a bit easier for PR students, I have put together a list of 2010 PR Graduate Schemes, when they open, close and links to apply. I’ll be updating it over the coming months. I hope you find it useful.
Note to companies: if you have a scheme please email me and I’ll add you to the list.
Band & Brown (via Facebook)
Blue Rubicon
Brando (via Facebook)
Chime Comms
Consolidated PR
Diffusion PR
Fishburn Hedges
Four Comms
Hill & Knowlton
NHS – the scheme was recently announced in PR Week, details TBA.
Open: TBA
Closes: TBA
Porter Novelli – see blog post for more details
Shine Comms
Weber Shandwick
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That’s a fantastic idea thank you Ben! Only request / suggestion is if you could include in-house positions too? Being in my final year possible graduate positions are constantly on my mind and I have been concerned about the economic climate but this has shown that there are still companies recruiting out there.
Hi Emma, I’ll certainly include in-house roles. I know the NHS is piloting a great Comms Grad Scheme, I’ll do some more research and see what I can find.
Here is some info on the NHS scheme, at the moment there is no mention of it running in 2010.
Thanks, Ben. I’ve cross-posted this to Behind the Spin (careers section) and will have to liaise with you as information gets updated.
Re in-house schemes, there are very few companies large enough to have specific graduate schemes for public relations practitioners (or graduates). The exception is the government’s Central Office of Information (and perhaps the NHS too.) Anne Gregory may know more about this…
Hi Ben,
Thanks for letting us cross post this to the Bright One blog:
We’ll let you know of any updates we get and send them across.
Thanks for this Ben – I will be sharing this with my students. I think a post like this really helps to get the message across that students have to start applying for graduate schemes at the start of their final year – and not once they come back from their post-dissertation holidays (I have a feeling that in the past I have been seen as alarmist when telling them that by July all the good jobs have been snapped up).
Hi Liz, yes please do share this blog with your students – I hope they find it useful.
By the way – I don’t think you are being alarmist! It pays to start thinking about and applying for jobs at the start of the academic year. The last semester at university is always hectic with exams and deadlines for dissertations, as well as preparing for the usual round of presentations, assignments and portfolios.
Even the most organised students endure a tough time trying to prioritise university work with researching and completing job applications. The earlier students start the job hunting process, the more time they can spent on their university work in those crucial last few months.
Hi Ben
What a great list, thanks for mentioning us in it! For anyone interested, more details can be found at http://www.edelmangraduatescheme.com for our January and September 2010 schemes.
Thanks for this! I’m applying now and have been meaning to do the same sort of thing. This has saved lots of time 🙂
I’m glad this blog has saved you some time…the last thing you need as a final year student is to spend hours trawling the web for potential jobs. Good luck with it!
Fantastic blog! I am not graduating for another year (placement) and am already thinking about where to start looking beyond graduation. As you mentioned with all the pressures of final year and the fact that the world and his family want to head into PR it’s an increasingly competitive industry, so much so that you need to always be one step ahead of the game.
Hey Ben,
I have a question for you regarding these internships. I am a Canadian hoping to come over to the UK in the new year. I finished a public relations program in 2008, do you think I would be considered for any of these positions? I may be a bit more advanced in terms of the work provided but I think this could be a great way in to some of these firms. Please advise me.
Hi Lesley,
These schemes are normally for recent graduates e.g. people who finished university in 2009/10.
Whilst i’m sure you would be considered for all them…if you have experience of working in an agency it may be worth contacting the companies directly to see if there are slightly higher entry level jobs available.
Hi Natalie,
Thanks very much for the kind words, it is much appreciated! It is tough out there at the moment, however in my experience those students with a vision, long term plan and the drive to do it, seem to do well! Good luck with it!
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[…] Cotton compiled a great list of some of those companies that do offer graduate roles. Although it’s for the 2010 schemes, this […]
[…] 2010 PR Grad Schemes – 20 comments […]