Published On: Sun, Mar 7th, 2010

Wanted: Your Opinions

One of my former lecturers at Leeds Met, Professor Ralph Tench recently contacted me to see if I could enlist the help of my fellow industry colleagues for a major piece of PR research he is involved with. As someone who has worked in a PR research centre, I was only too happy to help Ralph out.

The research is looking to understand the UK communications landscape in 2010 and PR professionals are invited to take part in what is the largest survey on strategic communication in the world.

The survey seeks the opinions of PR professionals working in companies, associations, political institutions, and other organisations, as well as in communication consultancies. It should take around 10 minutes to answer the questions and all participants will receive a report of the results and have the chance to win one out of three Kodak Zi6 HD Mini Camcorders.

You can take the survey by clicking here.

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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