Published On: Sat, Jul 20th, 2013

My Very Own Six Month Review

Report Card

For 2013 I set myself five SMART objectives, so seeing as we’ve just passed the halfway point of the year, I thought it would be the ideal moment to see how they’re coming along. So without further ado, here’s my own personal report card.

Learn more about the insurance industry
KPI: pass the Professional Certificate in Insurance (APA)
So far I’ve passed my first two insurance exams, but my third is in September. If and it’s a big if, I
pass this exam I’ll gain the Professional Certificate in Insurance (APA) and meet my objective. The third exam has a lower pass rate (as it’s a written as opposed to multiple choice exam), so I really will have to hit the books if I’m to come out with a pass.

Gain a deeper understanding of Google Analytics
KPI: pass the Google Analytics Individual Qualification
I’m delighted to say that I passed the Google Analytics Individual Qualification  exam back in March. This was the first of my objectives that I hit and was quite a challenge. I’m tempted to take things a step further and study for the Google AdWords Individual Qualification at some point. Google Analytics and AdWords are the two dashboards I constantly keep an eye on, so I found studying for this exam particularly beneficial.

Obtain my driving licence
KPI: pass my driving test
I’m yet to have a driving lesson, so I’m not doing very well here. Picking five objectives may have been slightly ambitious. Amongst lots of revision, training for the Dublin Marathon, a spot of travel, working hard and having fun, I’ve not managed to find the time to commit to driving lessons. Maybe 2014 will be the year I pass.

Get healthier
KPI: complete the Dublin Marathon
My training is coming along nicely. I’m not convinced i’ll ever be 100% ready for a marathon, but I’m averaging a 16 mile run three times a month. Its been a while since I last trained for a marathon, but it has reminded me  what a pleasure it is to run through and see news places. I’ve also started playing football (badly) every week, so I’m certainly more active than last year.

See more of the world
KPI: visit two new countries
I’ve visited one new country so far this year, when my girlfriend and I went to Prague for a long weekend. It’s a great city and I’d love to see more of the Czech Republic. I’m planning on visiting my second new country at the end of the year as I’m fortunate enough to be spending New Year in Reykjavik with my family for my mother’s 60th birthday.  Who knows, I may get to a visit another new country before December.

There’s a lot of hard work ahead and things I certainly want to improve on,  but I’m relatively pleased with how this year has played out so far. Bar learning to drive, I’m on track to meet my objectives. I look forward to reviewing these objectives at the end of the year.

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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