Published On: Sat, Sep 27th, 2014

Ireland is Europe’s Tech Hub [INFOGRAPHIC]

Grand Canal DocksI was intending to write a follow up to my recent post on Dublin’s Grand Canal Docks AKA Silicon Docks, but saw this infographic from IDA Ireland which perfectly summarised the main crux of my argument (and some more) — so I’ve decided to publish it here on SWT with some light commentary.

The attractively designed infographic looks at how and why Ireland attracts global investment in its technology sector. Although, that title doesn’t really do it justice.

Ireland is home to a fantastic combination of tech juggernauts, industry leaders and homegrown starts-up. And while its corporation tax will always attract headlines, it’s important to point out that Ireland boasts a well educated workforce, progressive immigration laws and high quality infrastructure. Companies may initially be attracted by tax rates and favourable operating conditions, but it’s the results they achieve once they’re here that makes them stay.

Dublin is a good place for businesses and it’s a good place to do business. In fact, so favourable is the land of Guinness, GAA and leprechauns that Forbes ranked Ireland as the number one place to do business. Successive governments deserve credit for creating this environment, as do IDA Ireland who court and assist many of the companies that move to the Emerald Isle.

Having lived and worked in Dublin for three and a half years now, I’m more convinced than ever before that Ireland is europe’s tech hub. Take a look at the stats below and you’ll see for yourself why Ireland can rightly claim this crown.

Ireland's Tech Sector


About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

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