Four Lessons from Four Years in Dublin

Today, I celebrate four years living and working in Dublin. A lot has changed in 1,461 days. I’m now working in-house, I’ve transitioned from public relations to marketing, and I’m also a married man. Much has changed in Ireland too. The Emerald Isle exited the recession, confidence has returned and many industries are recording growth. Ahead More...

My Review of The Year That Was: 2014
As we approach the end of 2014, now is quite simply the perfect time to reflect and look back over the last 12 months at what went well, what didn’t, what could be improved upon, and what took me by surprise. To More...

Reflecting on One Year at Indeed
Today, marks one year for me at Indeed. Frequent readers of SWT will know throughout the year that I like to pause, think and reflect, and anniversaries offer the ideal opportunity to do just that. So, what has More...

Web Summit 2014 [DAY 3]
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been away getting married in Boston and honeymooning in Tulum, so Deirdre Savage from digital marketing agency, Big Bang filled in for me at this year’s Web Summit and More...

Web Summit 2014 [DAY 2]
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been away getting married in Boston and honeymooning in Tulum, so Deirdre Savage from digital marketing agency, Big Bang filled in for me at this year’s Web Summit and More...

Web Summit 2014 [DAY 1]
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been away getting married in Boston and honeymooning in Tulum, so Deirdre Savage from digital marketing agency, Big Bang filled in for me at this year’s Web Summit and More...

A Quick Six Month Review
At the start of 2014 I set myself four SMART objectives that I’d like to try and accomplish in the coming 12 months – and with six months gone, now is the perfect time to see how the year is turning More...

My Review of 2013
For me, the end of the calendar year is the perfect time to pause, take stock and look back at the last 12 months. The year end offers a natural conclusion and lets you evaluate what went well, what didn’t and More...

#WebSummit Day 2 Review
So that’s it for another year. The Web Summit has now closed and what an event it was. From Elon Musk to Phil Fernandez to Jordan Casey it was inspiring to hear so many tales from coders who share an entrepreneurial More...

#WebSummit Day 1 Review
This week I have the huge pleasure of being a small part in the Web Summit Live Team, a role which basically means I get a front row seat to see some of the world’s best entrepreneurs, technologists and innovators. More...