Published On: Mon, Mar 29th, 2010

Euprera Spring Symposium [PRESENTATION]

In February of this year I won the Euprera Social Media award for the Best Practitioner/Researcher blog and was asked to give a presentation explaining my rationale for the blog and offer some reflections.

In recent weeks a couple of people have asked for a copy of the slides so here they are – if you have any questions do get on touch.

About the Author

- Marketing Manager with a passion for inbound at HubSpot, Founder of Growth Hack Talks, Blogger at and Chief Quaffer at .

Displaying 2 Comments
Have Your Say
  1. Ben, Congrats!

    And seriously, you are indeed one of the most easiest person to contact! I never realised how important that is, and I did read your blog on how you mentioned that it’s important people should make themselves accesible.
    And…..I experienced it today! I was on the internet and found some powerpoint presentations available by different people in the PR industry and the one I was interested in said “available upon request” BUT it had no contact details! so…totally agree, 100% with you on that!
    And thanks for making it easy to contact you but also coming out as you genuinely want to help.

    Thanks again,
    Sophia Fantis

  2. Ben Cotton says:

    Hey Sophia,

    Thanks very much for the congratulations, that is very kind of you! I try and make myself as contactable as possible: my email and mobile are out in the public domain and fairly easy to search for.

    This has come about, as I too, have experienced the frustration of trying to contact someone, but not being able to find any of their contact details online.

    Personally, I’ve not had any problems with my contact details being available online, indeed people often compliment how easy it is to contact me.

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